Monday, April 14, 2008

Cell Group Commissioning & Family Fun

Earlier this week, during our Sunday service, we had a commissioning for those involved in the new cell group outreach of Iglesia Emanuel. They will be starting up this week and all the groups will be meeting on Friday evenings. As mentioned previously, each person of the 7-8 member team for each cell group has a responsibilty within the group (ie: leader, assistant leader, worship, children, etc.). They will also be required to invite at least one non-Christian a week. Each team will be meeting on Tuesday evenings for a brief planning meeting for the cell group as well as to pray for those unbelievers who each member has or will be inviting to the Friday study. We covet your prayers as we initiate this new ministry in an effort to assist our members to be more active in using their gifts as well as evangelism.

Please pray for Pattie as she will be seeking out several of our youth girls in order to begin a new ministry of discipleship with them. With the addition of Luke and her other family and ministry responsibilities, she has had to step back from her regular involvement in Sat. evening youth group, however she will be able to spend some time with several of the girls throughout the week in order to disciple them. She is excited to be starting this new aspect of her ministry. Her main goal is to encrouage the girls to be in the Word and applying it to their lives. As this happens, her prayer is that their lives will be transformed for His glory.

On a family note....Luke continues to grow and is awake more often. We look forward to seeing how his personality develops. The others have adjusted very well to a new little brother and often want to be Mommy and Daddy's helpers which is a blessing. Sometimes our kids come up with some funny and interesting ideas and we thought we would share a few of their recent ones that made us laugh....The other morning in church as we were getting ready for the offering time, I was explaining again to Micah that the coins I was giving him were not for him but to put into the offering bag...that they were for God. He turned to me with a very serious look on his face and asked, "so, what do they do with it they just throw it up there to Him?" Needless to say, we all had a good chuckle. We have been reading in Genesis for school these past few weeks and last week when we were reading about Jacob returning home after his exile, we asked the kids why Jacob was worried to be going home....why his brother Esau was mad at him. Well, Abby replied, "because he (Jacob) stole his (Esau's) beer-right." Now, what do you say to that?!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

People should read this.